Saturday, December 5, 2020

Coimbatore to Srinagar - Fourth Stop - Burhanpur - Kanda Poha

The next stop on the virutal journey was Burhanpur in MadhyaPradesh. The recipe that was tried was Kanda Poha. The recipe was very similar to the one I have here Kanda Poha. To this is added toppings like sev, finely chopped raw onions, tomatoes, lemon juice etc.,

Just to make it clear, the cooking of foods is not the only thing I am interested in. It is interesting on its own to hear stories of how the group is progressing. DH is committed to his so must be gratifying for him to see people who have always wanted to get active do it because a groupd is behind them.

Any group has starting trouble and a group of skeptics or forward thinkers - whichever way you'd like to call them who had several questions regarding how the program will progress after the shutrown ends even before the program started. Nobody knows the answer to that question. There have always been people who have been exercising and workingout lockdown or no lockdown.

As our lifestyles have become more sedantary with work, entertainment and leisure all requiring us to sit on our butts day in and day out it takes a certain self control and motivation to get on our feet. Add to that the weather it sometimes seems like you need to be prodded to get out.

If future obstacles becomes a reason not to do something today nothing will ever get accomplished right?

After a month and half at this point in their journey the group seems to be going strong. While there are always a few who need no encouragement and go above and beyond, some who do just the required amoubt, others who have to be encouraged to catch up and then a few others who need a lot more prodding.

The mileage is set at the beginning of the workout week and the obligatory zoom call every other week. What? you did not expect that one :)? Stertches and techniques are shared. From personal experience, giving the excuse that there is too much work is the easy part which apparently is the most heard of. Having a group to cheer on and motivate has definitely helped.

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