Thursday, April 23, 2020

Duck Eggs Frittata with bok choy

These are confusing times and to have a leader who is utterly devoid of compassion, empathy or intelligence is downright depressing. We Americans are perhaps the most ill informed, misled and utterly clueless about what to do in this current situation. TV and newspaper news is full of what stunts the moron and his shrill voices are saying rather than information about how to handle the disease. I look to foreign news be it Indian or Japanese which are much clearer and consistent about what precautions people need to take and where to look for help. I am one of those ill informed with nary a clue about what to do. But I am armed with wrong statistics and what the blowhards on TV are saying. Add to that the misinformation that is being spread on social media, I am starting to wonder if this country and its leaders have what it takes?

But folks we don't control over the larger things but we have control of everyday things we can do. Keep a routine, eat right, exercise, think positive thoughts and don't watch too much news. I joined a virtual mountain climbing training group. It also helps these are folks who I went to college with, so it is double the fun. Getting connected after a really long time and motivating each other to get out of the sedentary life style. Hope we continue once this lockdown is over.

Now on to the food,

I have had chickens for the past 3 years. They lay eggs starting in early spring and stop by late Fall. Once you get used to eating eggs from he chickens you grow it is almost impossible to go back to the store bought eggs. The problem during the winter months is that we don't have any eggs, the chickens are on a break :) We decided to add a few ducks to our flock because I had read somewhere that unlike chickens the ducks lay throughout the year.

So now we have an abundance of duck eggs. No not complaining. We love them. They get used in a lot of dishes that traditionally use chicken eggs. They are more creamier and richer than the chicken eggs. So if you want to build volume in a cake, duck eggs are what you want to use.

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Anybody who has extra eggs should want to make frittata. Quick and easy and so delicious. Perfect for brunch or breakfast. Use any vegetable that does not release too much water or make sure you sauté the vegetables well to remove any excess moisture. I had some freshly harvested bok choy and that is what went into this frittata. You could use spinach, kale, chard or any other greens you have on hand.

Saute the onions and jalapeno peppers followed by the bok choy.
Break the eggs into a bowl and add the pepper and salt.
Take the pepper jack cheese and grate.
Add the grated cheese to the eggs and whisk it in.
Add the cheese to the sautéed vegetables.
Bake for 10 minutes till the frittata is well set.
Cut into wedges and serve.

Serve with some ketchup.

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Duck Eggs Frittata with bok choy
Preparation Time: 20 minutes
Cooking Time: 10-15 minutes
  1. 6 duck eggs or 12 chicken eggs
  2. 1/2 cup of finely diced onions
  3. 4 jalapenos seeded and diced fine
  4. 2 garlic cloves finely minced (optional)
  5. salt and pepper to taste
  6. 5-6 heads of bok choy washed and roughly chopped (see note:*)
  7. 2 tsp of oil
  8. 1- 1 1/2 cups of grated cheese (I used pepper jack cheese)

  1. Preheat the oven to 350F.
  2. In a wide mouthed pan (I used a cast iron pan) that can go in the oven (see note:**), heat oil and sauté onions and jalapenos and let the onions get translucent.
  3. Add the chopped bok choy and sauté till it is wilted.
  4. Take the eggs in a bowl and add the pepper and salt. Whisk it till its smooth. Add the grated cheese and mix it in.
  5. Add the eggs to the sautéed vegetables and gently mix. Let it cook for about 2 minutes.
  6. Now move the pan to the oven and cook for 10 minutes. Remove it while it is slightly jiggly.

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