Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Spicy Roasted Cashews

Another new year is upon us. Last year had been tumultuous in many ways, personally for me and the world over. I can't watch the news without getting angry, depressed, frustrated or a combination of all three. I guess it takes all of our combined efforts to pitch in to do our part to make the world a better place. Laziness, lack of time (convenient excuse) all have combined in keeping me from doing my bit. Maybe the coming year I get off my butt and actually do something.

People who have so little seem to be the happiest and those of us who have a lot seem to be weighed down with all the stress of thinking about what we don't have. So I will think positively of what I have rather than being burdened with what I don't have. I am not big into making New Year resolutions because invariably I end up breaking them in the first few weeks. But I am making one which I hope is going to be easier to keep. So the resolution I take for the new year is to be happy no matter what.

Happy New Year
Happy New Year
Happy New Year

I should actually be taking a resolution to not eat so much sugar. This is an ongoing resolution every year so it is not so special. But there are some snacks which can prevent or control some of the sugar intake. This is one such snack. These can be made with raw cashews or unsalted roasted cashews. Spicing the cashews myself, I can control the amount of salt and the spices that go into it. Also this way it is much more fun :)


Spicy Roasted Cashews
Preparation Time: 5 minutes
Cooking Time: 20 minutes
  1. 3 cups of raw cashews or unsalted roasted cashews
  2. 2 tsp of ghee or any oil
  3. 1/2 tbsp. of chili powder
  4. 2 tsp of salt
  5. 1/2 tsp turmeric powder

  1. If you are using raw cashews roast in a toaster oven at 375F for about 12-15 minutes. First roast for 6 minutes, check and then roast again in 2 minute intervals to avoid burn. Set aside.
  2. In a wide mouthed sauté pan heat the ghee/oil and when it turns hot (not smoking) add the powders and salt and mix it for 30 seconds.
  3. Bring the heat to low and add in the cashews, mix it well so all the nuts are coated. Turn off the heat.
  4. Cool and store in an airtight container.

No guilt tasty snack is ready.

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