Monday, March 4, 2019

The Week That Was!

When did reality TV become ... nice?
I am not really fond of reality TV and some of the reasons are mentioned in this article. But if you want to see some nice reality TV shows and you are in for luck if you have Netflix. We don't have Netflix. Amazon may be on its way out as well. Maybe be I will try and read more!

A high tunnel is a season extension structure that can extend the growing season by 2-3 months. A boon for a small farm like ours. So last week was spent on learning about what can be grown in high tunnels. We have been on this tunnel construction or planning phase for over 5 months and finally got it done. The plants which usually can go in the ground only after the possibility of frost is over can grow in the high tunnel without fear of getting killed.

The High Tunnel enables the farmer to get his produce to the market earlier. A farmers life is heavily dependent on the weather so some amount of control the farmer can get over it is surely a good thing.

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I took DD2 to a financial planning seminar offered by the Credit Union we are members of. She was probably only high schooler there while the rest were mostly adults. It should not be a surprise because most people in the US are not taught basic financial sense. With no culture of financial literacy most people are not sure how to deal with their finances.

Financial literacy should be taught from a young age. I am trying to do my part in teaching some of the basics and so when I saw this class being offered and she showed interest I took her.

Most of us learn to deal with finances as we start make money and become responsible for it from habits learned from our parents or what we think is correct. When we learn it the proper way and at school maybe we will all be more responsible.

Last week was National Savings Week to encourage automated savings. See this sobering article in the Washington Post by Michelle Singletary - Does America have a savings crisis?. While it is true that having $400 is a luxury for a lot of people. The poor don't have anybody to lobby for them while the rich getaway with paying as little tax as possible and the poor get dinged if they cannot pay fines. It is kind of a vicious cycle. So the FIRE crowd has it right when they want to gain control.

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