Tuesday, February 12, 2019

The Week That Was!

After my serious binge watching crisis, I went back to some online reading and also made a trip to the local library from which I had taken a hiatus. I blame it on being busy with other things but whom am I kidding really?

Let Children Get Bored Again
You know what? If you are one of those parents who feels guilty for not spending every minute of your waking hours catering to your child, you are doing something right. Let the kids be bored maybe they will learn a thing or two to do on their own without a parent being there all the time.

Let me not start on those parents at my children's school who I thought were teachers working there till I realized one day they are parents volunteering in their children's classrooms. Every Day!! Even the time in the school the children cannot be away from them.

A Suspense Novelist’s Trail of Deceptions
If you have read this guy's book 'The Woman in the Window'(I have not) his life seems even more twisted with all the deceptions and lies. What is with this publishing business and the people who promote those books?

No thank you, Mr. Pecker
The article heard around the world. Orange man's best friend Pecker tried to blackmail the richest man in the world. Should applaud his courage even if it meant salacious details spilling out - "If in my position I can’t stand up to this kind of extortion, how many people can?"

I Cut the 'Big Five' Tech Giants From My Life. It Was Hell
Have you ever thought of removing Apple, Amazon, Google, Microsoft and Facebook from your life and see what happens? Yes just turn the clock back to 15 years ago and that is how we lived our lives. There are plenty of people in other parts of the world who still live their lives this way. I know I will never do it :(

It is kind of disconcerting to be told from when a child is born that they have to save for retirement. Everywhere you turn around it seems that is the only thing people talk about when talking about getting people's financial lives in order. Habits learned in childhood and early adult years are not easy to be discarded when it becomes expensive so it is never too early I guess to be told that saving for retirement is required.

Anyway while for the FIRE crowd, retire early is the mantra that makes them strive towards financial independence for me it was more for the freedom that financial independence would bring from my work enslavement. Enslavement you ask? That it is what it is for a lot of people. If you ask most people usually it is not the job that gets them it is the people who they work for. It was no different for me. I am sorry to say but the female bosses were the worst. The bad reputation for mid level managers is not unjustified in my opinion. Lack of training and complete incompetence usually goes with the territory and is the norm rather than the exception.

Most of us have this fear of losing what we have and it was no different with me. I have caved in, kept my mouth shut and shrugged off. This kept the peace at work but left me fuming inside for not having spoken up. Keeping peace is why lots of people put up with bull s**t!. I have seen some appalling behavior towards colleagues who don't open their mouth. Managers behave badly towards them and work keeps getting dumped on them.

So I decided in my early twenties that in the next 20 years I would do everything in my powers so I don't end up being a work slave all my life. So started making financial decisions that would give me the independence to chuck it all if it comes to that. The opportunity came recently and I took it.

The steps that I took coming up in the next installment.

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