Friday, February 22, 2019

How to clean burnt stainless steel pans (burned and charred food and all)

I had cooked in non stick pans for the longest time just so that it is easy to clean afterwards. I didn't have to fight with my stainless steel pans after I have finished sauteing, roasting or even making pancakes. After the first batch of pancakes are done and however careful you are with the flame the oil tends to burn and stick to the pan and by the end of 6-7 batches there is a layer of either brown or black stuff at the bottom of the pan. The same thing happens if you use a stainless pan to saute like a stir fry or need to roast something for longer. Even if you control the heat and watch and saute constantly stuff still sticks and gets burned.

Scrubbing this out is a chore in itself and not something anyone wants to do. I found this quick and easy way of cleaning and I am no longer worried about using elbow grease to clean the pan. Now I do the cleaning by spending a few minutes right after the cooking which makes it easier and quicker.

After you have used the pan for cooking, keep the burner on and add about 1/2 - 1 cup of water and a tsp of baking soda or just heat the water. Let the water come to a boil.
Turn off the heat and pour the water out. Use caution and use a kitchen towel since the pan would be still hot. Use a scrub or steel wool or coconut fibers like it is done in India and gently scrub out the burnt and darkened spots on the pan. It will come off easily.
Rinse out the dirt and the pan is good as new.

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