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Wednesday, August 8, 2007

A Workable Breakfast (Oatmeal with Yogurt and Pickles)

"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" We hear it all the time but when you have hundreds of myriad things to do in the morning working this is not always easy. I find eating a good breakfast is most important to the body and soul. It keeps me energetic and also slightly upbeat about the work that I can accomplish that day. It took me a long time to get warmed up to Oatmeal because of the notion that oatmeal has to be eaten with Milk. I do not like eating sugary things as breakfast so milk hence cereal is ruled, I like to crunch on them as snack but crunching a bowlful in the morning does not seem to be prudent. Would love to eat Idlys and Dosais but on work days this is too time consuming. I am not averse to Oatmeal when it is eaten with Yogurt and Pickles and now it is almost become my favorite provided there is a good pickle to go with it. It is the perfect breakfast on days I have to start work early. Especially summer months when finishing early in the evenings means more time to spend outside in the heat and humidity.

Update on the book:

In Spite of the Gods is really interesting read on how India works. Sometimes hilarious and sometimes deeply disturbing this is a must read. It is as interesting or more if you want to compare it to reading fiction(if fiction is your cup of tea).

Now on to the Oatmeal,

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Oatmeal mixed in Yogurt with Tomato Pickle

It also easy to make it a 2 in 1 dish, DH and DDs like theirs with milk and fruits and nuts and of course some brown sugar. Recipe for this is here

Oatmeal with Yogurt and Pickles
For 2 adults and 2 kids
1. Baby Oat Meal 1 Cup
2. 2 Cups of Water
3. 1/4 Cup Yogurt
4. 1 tbsp pickle

1. Heat the water in a sauce till it starts to boil
2. Add the oatmeal while you keep stirring. reduce the heat to low medium
3. Keep stirring till the oatmeal plumps up.

Take the portion to eat with yogurt and proceed with the recipe given in the link above if you are so inclined.
Cool. Mix with Yogurt and serve with the best tasting pickle in your pantry.


  1. Very creative! Arvind eats Oatmeal cereal everyday and he has lost some wt too! Looks good there.
    I love to read the Memoir books with recipes in it.I will try and get that too,thanks Indo!:)

  2. oatmeal with yogurt, great combo. I love it and its a healthy breakfast too. Looks great.

  3. Ok so now no one can blame me that I squeezed gulab jamun syrup into my Merlot the first time

  4. amazing idea. I might not have it breakfast, but will definately try for lunch!!

  5. indo, i have so many pickles in my pantry that i need to use up. this is agreat idea.

  6. you made it sound like yogurt rice. wonder how it tastes.

  7. Never would i have thot of this combination.....nice one and healthy as well

  8. Asha, that is one good thing about Oatmeal I don't feel hungry for about 4-5 hours solid. Asha you will defintely like this book though there are no recipes in the book :)

    Jyothi absolutely.

    Sandeepa gulab jamun and Merlot hmm I can't say how it would have tasted but this I know you like them sweet, I like them hot!

    Saju works for lunch too.

    Bee, that sounds like a plan. To confess I eat it more for the pickles than the oatmeal :)

    Sharmi, it tastes awesome with the pickles because I don't add salt either.

    Sure Bhags, give it a try.

  9. Now this is new to me...

  10. Wow, how did you thought of this combo? I don't particularly like oats, but may with a spicy pickle I might like it too...

  11. great one ISG i tried once it tastes yummy right just like avallaki majjige/poha with yogurt...

  12. :-)

    This is how my father has been eating his oats every morning for years. With curd and some really tangy appinmidi pickles. And he loves it. No sugar, milk and fruit for him.

  13. You must be one creative person. Now you remind of those kids who eat yogurt rice and pickle before leaving to school.

  14. Savory oatmeal? I wouldn't be able to get past that one


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