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Tuesday, December 25, 2018

The Week That Was!

Last week was fairly busy one so not too much of time was spent on the normal mindless pursuits.

We have Comcast as our cable, internet and telephone provider. We managed to live most of the last 15 years ever since DD turned 3 and started going to school without cable television. We had basic TV with just the local channels and of course PBS. PBS kept the children entertained with their children's programming and in the evenings me with all their BBC TV shows and their news shows. When we moved to the farm the only provider available was Comcast and the cheapest was to get the bundle. Even with all these numerous channels I still turn to PBS to watch their shows so this was a show but as is usually the case I normally watch an episode after a few weeks have gone by. Mostly I can find the rest of the episodes online. This time Comcast had the other episodes on demand.

The Syndicate

Online Reading
FIRE plans gone wrong! Have you heard of FIRE? Financial Independence Retire Early, a movement that has a lot of adherents. I have nothing against Financial Independence in fact that should be a goal from early on but the Retire Early part is where I disagree on. I will talk about this in subsequent blog articles.

When We Eat, or Don’t Eat, May Be Critical for Health
We had some relatives stay with us during the summer. One of them had only salad or fruits for dinner, sometimes sprinkled with spiced peanuts or boiled peanuts. So within the month they stayed with us we got onto the salad eating band wagon. I love eating sugary things which makes it almost impossible to keep out those extra calories from sugar away at night and almost impossible after a big meal. Salad has never been one of my favorite things but greens with some crunchy carrots, cucumbers and fruits like apple or pear sliced into it along with an occasional Avocado or a few grapes and some pickled jalapenos, eating salad wasn't all that bad. I also realized after eating the salad I was rarely hungry or longing for a huge dinner. I also started eating the salad earlier in the day and try to be done by 6'0 clock and most mornings most days I don't get to breakfast before 7 or 8 AM and sometimes as late as 9 AM. So unbeknownst to me I was following the 12 hour fast. I realized those bulges in the midsection and upper thighs was slowly disappearing. Along the way I also noticed that I was eating a little bit more during lunch and also eating a few more sweets without the guilt. I have been doing this for a little under 2 months and it has been great and last week I started to read about the 12 hour diet.

Washington Post - Business Section
Tech Concerns with concerns for ethics drive new kind of employee activism

If you have wondered what employees think of how companies have been using them to create the kind of products they are creating.

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