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Monday, December 3, 2018

The Week That Was!

A Very English Scandal
Based on a true story and a English politician. If you are interested in English drama and English politics this is a fun watch.

Social Media
WhatsApp Forwards - Oh yes. I am not a big fan of WhatsApp forwards. Most are useless and just fills up the chat box. While it is a great tool to keep in touch with relatives and friends in faraway places and while calling on the phone is not practical this is a great way to communicate forwards drive me nuts. But a few forwards of the ones that I chose to open that were useful, here are the links online.

Talk by Dr.Jebasingh a cancer specialist at a Krishna Sweets event Nalandana 2018 - An excellent talk about the positive effects of our natural foods. The talk is in Tamil.

The video on millennials in the workplace that everyone must watch - By Simon Sinek
Looks like this was all the rage 2 years ago and I am coming to the party pretty late. The best thing in the talk is about the use of electronic devices and social media. Though this is aimed at the millenials in the workplace, this is pretty relevant for teens and their parents alike.

President George H.W. Bush's note to President Clinton
The humility in his note bought a tear to my eye. His comforting presence will be missed especially in this time of bombast and bad behavior. May his soul rest in peace. We will miss you Mr.President.


Weedless Gardening - Lee Reich
Anybody who grows plants of any kind knows that the sight of weeds can make anyone go into a swearing frenzy. I have heard about no-till farming but my love for the sight of black earth free of weeds is intoxicating which means tilling is the answer. This book perhaps will teach me to live harmoniously with weeds and avoid tilling the soil. This book is a must read if you are gardener.

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