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Monday, November 12, 2018

The Week That Was! Streaming, TV, Online and Print

Besides the normal things that we do in our lives like get up, get ready, go to work, prepare meals, pack meals, clean the house, take care of laundry there are things that everybody does to get entertained like reading, watching TV, listening to music etc., This is my interests documented. Not that anybody cares but I thought this might be interesting for me when I look at later when I am trying to figure out something but can't seem to recollect because I have forgotten. These are not important things but something that gives me pleasure :)

On Streaming Service

Amazon - Homecoming

A psychological thriller with Julia Roberts in it. The show is pretty entertaining and time flies by pretty quickly and you quickly realize you have binge watched one whole season in a couple of days. Julia, well she is Julia Roberts, as usual gives an amazing performance. Worth watching. We are done with Season 1, will have to wait a year for Season 2. This was originally a podcast that got made into a TV series. Obviously DD who listens to a lot of podcasts, had already listened to it and said she liked it.

Amazon - The Romanoffs

This show is something that I happened upon by chance. Just as we finished binge watching 'The Man in the High Castle' this show was being advertised. I watched the first and even thought it was not that gripping or entertaining I still like it. Each episode comes on Friday but I usually end up watching the episode the following week. The latest episode was 'Panorama' which made me fall in love with Mexico City and I liked the starring role Mexico City played in the story than the story itself.

Refinery 29 - Money Diaries
Interesting series on how women at different income levels spend their money in a day. To keep track of their money. I started reading this after listening to this on NPR.

It is like I have completely stopped reading books now that I am in the land of books. I yearned for books while growing up (obviously had more time on my hands back then) but without an affordable avenue for books. Well that is old story. Waiting for 2 books to arrive.

Once is of course John Grisham's newest 'The Reckoning'.

The other is 'Misbehaving - The making of behavioral Economics' by the Nobel Prize winner economist Richard H. Thaler

Lies, Love and Records
How is it that the shows made by BBC or the Brits is much better than a lot of the shows that come on network Television?

I caught a couple of episodes of this in WETA my local public television and then couldn't wait for the next episodes to air on TV instead watched them online. Now waiting for Season 2.

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