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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Tomato Chutney with Tortilla Chips - Thank you

Look what the Postman deposited on my door step last week. Dear Linda who blogs her lovely recipes at Out of the Garden sent me this delicious Tomato Chutney. They were the perfect accompaniment for tortilla chips and toasted bread. Linda says they are based of a recipe from Trial and Error . Thanks Linda they were wonderful.


Jalapeno Red Peppers Tortilla Chips : FoodShouldTasteGood

Just the snack for novel reading on a cold sunday afternoon.
Novel Reading
1. Suspect - John Lescroart
2. I don't know how she does it - Allison Pearson


  1. I'm so glad you liked it -- Nabeela's recipe is a keeper :)

    Yummy looking tortilla chips -- are they tomato, or beet perhaps??

  2. Oh yummy! Thats so nice of Linda... :)
    I love to snack while I read too... but I mostly read in bed, and balance stuff on my tummy, chutney is a bad idea for that pose, hope you read sitting down :)

  3. If I am not wrong, that should be Nabeela's Hyderabadi Tamatar Chutney. I know its delightful, because I have made it countless number of times. Lucky you. But then, Linda always admires your work. There is a good reason for it too :)

  4. Oh, isn't that great combo? Snacks and books!:)))

  5. Mythreyee indeed it was, I like store bought Salsa, after tasting Linda's chutney I am not going back to Salsa anytime soon.

    Linda! thank you much. Yes the tortilla chips were delicious too crunchy and light, grabbed them from Whole Foods Market - Jalapeno Red Pepper Tortilla from a company called Food Should Taste Good. Added the link to the post.

    Sig, indeed :) I read on a recliner - I can recline but eating is not a problem at all.

    Suganya, thank you. The chutney was delicious. I am getting ready to make 'em when I run out. Can't live without it now.

  6. ooohh.. lovely!! i always snack while i read!!

  7. That's so sweet of Linda! I agree, that recipe is one super-hit delight! Warmth of sun, yummy snacks and books, what more does one need :).

  8. Yum... I have my mouth watering looking at this dish. Nice combo.


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