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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Blueberry Yogurt Coffee Cake

It is that time of the year when sniffles and coughs make ther uninvited appearance. So to fill the house with wonderful smells I decided I need to do some baking. I am no big baker! I usually bake when the kids bug me, if some ingredients need to be used real quick or sometimes to satisfy a craving. Last week's looks at Washington Post Food section led me down such a path just when I was wondering how to make use of some blueberries in the freezer. I made a few modifications to the original recipe. The cake was not too sweet, hence was great for breakfast or with a slather of honey for a wonderful desert. I used a rectangular baking dish because that is the only kind I have but a round pan would be preferable.

Recipe Source : Washington Post Food Section - Blueberry Yogurt Coffee Cake


1. 2 Cups Whole Wheat Pastry flour
2. 1 tsp baking powder
3. 1/4 teaspoon salt

4. 3 Medium sized eggs
5. 1 1/4 cups homemade yogurt from 1% milk
6. 2 tbsp raw sugar
7. 1/4 cup molasses
8. 1 tsp vanilla extract
9. 4 tbsp butter at room temperature
10. 1 1/2 Cups blueberries defrosted

11. 2 1/2 tbsp of Honey bunches of Oats crushed or granola

1. Preheat the oven to 350F
2. Sift the dry ingredients together.
3. Beat the eggs
4. Mix yogurt, vanilla extract, sugar, molasses and the eggs
5. Make a well in the flour and add the yogurt mixture in the middle and slowly mix it in.
6. Add the butter.
7. Gently fold in the blueberries
8.Add the batter to a buttered pan.
9. Sprinkle the honey bunches of oats evenly on top.
10. Bake for 35 minutes or till a knife inserted in the middle comes out clean.

The cake was delicious, with the moist blueberries in the middle and the crunchy top.


  1. That looks so delicious ISG. Although I can't try it out right now hope to do it soon. This is the first time I'm coming across yogurt in a cake. I bet that made the cake very moist. Nice pictures and recipe.

  2. ISG -->That surely looks heavenly treat!! Lovely recipe + lovely pic the color of the cake is pretty inviting!! :)

  3. I love the idea of the crunchy oats topping, and this would be a great way to use some of the whole-wheat pastry flour stashed in my pantry. Do you use whole-wheat pastry flour often for baking cakes etc? Do you like the way it works?
    Thanks, Indosungod! :)

  4. Kribha, it is a healthful cake, I added butter but the original recipe called for canola oil. Do give it a try and let me know how you liked it, yes the yogurt made it moist.

    Purnima, yes indeed it was, the blueberries sure give a lovely color don't they?

    Nupur, the oats gave it a grand look too, granola would have worked even better :) I have tried making pound cakes, then the Banana Nut bread (your recipe) and now this Coffee cake. I actually like the texture the whole wheat gives to the cakes. It makes them heartier. I don't bake often so don't know a whole lot, but besides the texture I actually like the taste compared to regular flour.

  5. I love the mess of purple peeping through that piece!

  6. Oh my goodness ISG, doesn't that look delicious! I am not a big baker either, but I did notice fresh blueberries at the store yesterday... I'm tempted now to go back and get them. Yum!!!

  7. thats a delecious cake I think adding blue berries makes it more yummy

  8. YUM!! Blueberry is great in cakes and makes a wonderful brekfast, looks great Indo!:))

  9. Yummy! Blueberries and yogurt go so well together! This cake must have tasted so smooth and delicious!

  10. Very delicious. I love blueberries. The trio combo blueberry, coffee and yogurt sounds cool. Gotta try.

  11. Coffee cake looks wonderful, blueberry being my fav flavour for the cake.....

  12. Coffee cake looks wonderful, blueberry being my fav flavour for the cake.....

  13. Yummy cake. I'm glad you decided to bake! I like the addition of yogurt. I rarely have milk on hand and find yogurt works just as well.

  14. That looks really yummy!! oats and blueberries pair well together, I like mine in muffins:)

  15. Gosh, Indo, this must be such a fantastic cake, look at all the moistness from the berries. Big time yummy!

  16. That looks fabulous and gives me ideas about what i can do with the stash of blueberries I laid in.

    By the way, tagged you over at



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