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Sunday, December 9, 2007

Carrot Onion Oothappam (Indian Pancake)

Do we appreciate the common and mundane as much as we do the interesting and the extraordinary? I certainly don't! my response to a query "How is it going?" is usually "the same old nothing interesting". Once the mundane turns to awkward you understand in a second that the mundane is far more comforting than we give credit for.

Taking the bus or train to work is mundane as it can get, hop in the bus or train, read a book, fall asleep, dream do whatever, a routine as boring as it gets, till your reverie is rudely interrupted by an abusive passenger who picks on another passenger and starts abusing him loudly and gets on his face,. everyone around him is hoping that the abuser does not turn his attention on them and get very busy with what they are doing. Luckily the passenger did not let the abuser get the better of him and was smart enough to ask the driver to call the cops (the driver should have called the cops long before it reached that point but).

The second the word COP was mentioned the abuser started sweating and wanted to be let out of the bus, though it was on a busy highway. The driver was asked to get the bus on the shoulder and wait for the cops, they came asked a bunch of questions and took the abuser off the bus to question him, meanwhile a cop who checked his bag found a gun, a real small one. Fortuntely he did not see the need to pull it out. Anyway the abuser was taken off the bus and we rode the rest of the way in silence. The minute we got off the bus we burst out laughing, like we had stopped breathing for the entire time, happy for the moment the mundane returned.

Carrot Onion Oothappam
Well Oothappam, is a mundane everyday breakfast back home but here for us it is usually dinner :) nothing spectacular nothing fancy but comforting just the same. On a cold winter nothing to comfort like good old oothappam.

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1. Slightly sour idli batter
2. Grated carrots
3. finely chopped onions

1. Mix ingredients 1-3
2. Pour a laddle of batter on a hot dosai pan (griddle)
3. Spread it around in a circle
4. sprinkle a few drops of oil
5. Flip and cook on the other side

Serve with some Tomato/Onion chutney or even with sambhar or idli podi

Another comforting picture on a cold winter day. Shrimp Gravy cooking!

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  1. The oothappam looks so sunny and crispy ISG, would surely love to have that for dinner any day! Yummy shrimp gravy, too. That's quite the commuters' horror story on the bus! Have a great, mundane Sunday eve :)

  2. OMG, that was quite a scary story! But the oothappam comforted me a lot :). Lovely recipe and great pictures!

  3. WOW! What a story, that must've been real scary... I am thankful for my mundane life after reading this :)
    But oothappam is something special... and that shrimp gravy is anything but mundane..

  4. ISG...why are you doing this to me? I'm drooling over your boiling shrimp curry. Oothappam looks yummy too but I'm eyes are fixed on your curry. Looks choooo yummy.

  5. Uttapam is not mundane for me, a breakfast like that would be very interesting. The shrimp gravy is no doubt extraordinary, anything with shrimp is

    See, how I love the interesting and extraordinary :)

  6. oothappam look so yummyyyyy my mom use to make these when i was in india

  7. Thankyou for dropping by my blog and leaving a line over there...I came here to answer ur Q...
    Once I tried by the way u told...It came out similar to this only...But i didn't knew why the author of the book have given like that...then I used to do the same way she have mentioned ...
    May be you can try the way you want...there won't be any difference I think...:D

  8. Carrot onion uthappam is a good idea of using the sour dosa batter!!

  9. ISG-->Uttapas need to be eaten-right away -by me :) Its horrifying to know of such a happening in your bus!Hv traveled along western and central line trains, when in Mumbai...there were abusers but nobody called 'COP' around for help..leaving the commuters to take situation in their hands! :(
    Lovely gravy!! I m craving for it too!! :D

  10. I would love to dip that dosa in the shrimp gravy and watch some tv right now!

  11. Great post, and nothing mundane about that uttapam!

  12. wow! that must hv been scary, isg!
    will take uttapam anytime :)

  13. I love oothappams ISG. And the shrimp boiling looks anything but mundane. Do share the recipe.

  14. As much as I love excitement, I try to appreciate the mundane, who knows whether the excitement can be nice or not, like your experience?
    On a foodie note, after a week of 'exciting' food, I came back to eat some dosa and biriyani, was it good! MMM!

  15. I surely like mundane life!! And the oothappam looks great, can have that anytime!

  16. looks gr8!! very tastey & healthy too...

  17. The shrimp looks fantastic! Oothappam is really yummy with a great chutney on the side.


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