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Saturday, October 20, 2007

Ashtami and a Guessing Game - Revealed

Gongura Flower - Would you like to see a poem that DD wrote for Gongura flower?

I thought this might be a tough one but almost all guessed this correctly. It does look a lot like okra!

Manathakkali (Black Nightshade) - Can make chutney with the leaves, lots of medicinal properties and the berries are bitter can be used to make puli kuzhambu. The berries when ripe turn purple and sweet and can be eaten.

They do look a lot like peppers, capers and Tiny Thai Green egg plants (I would love to grow that size Linda)

Friday morning there was knock on the door, a friend who is also my neighbor knocked on the door and gave me a small packet. She explained it was Ashtami and the packet which contained sweets and money was for the girls. I was pleasantly surprised and happy, she has done this for the past few years too,but it registered better this year since I have learned a lot about the festivities and was able to appreciate the meaning behind the gesture. I did read dear Sandeepa's post. My understanding is on Ashtami, the eigth day of Durga Puja,it is considered auspicious to have little girls visit your house and collect sweets. Well the tradition was turned around a little bit because my friend visited our house to give the sweets as opposed to the girls going there. I am not very familiar with the traditions from up North, so glad to be learning and enjoying it too. I feel a longing to be part of the traditions and celebrations back home, now that Deepavali is almost upon us.

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Now on to the guessing game

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Which plant is this beauty on?

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What are those green berries?


  1. Are those green berries manathakkali? I don't know the english name. Have no idea about the flower.

  2. What a great gesture by your friend. We do things differently in the South, don't we, which is fun too!:))
    Looking forward to Deepavali too.Enjoy.
    It looks like Okra flower tome and second little berries, Capers?

  3. ISG, Great guessing game.

    First one is a flower from a "Gongura Plant".
    I know thce second one too, I will leave it for the others to guess :)

    You've got a wonderful batch of eggplants - looking forward for another delicious brinjal curry recipe from you. Have fun!

  4. Oh I know what both these are, I will also leave it for the others to guess ;) ...
    Okay, really I have no idea... Are those green pepper pods by any chance?

  5. Hey i know what they are.

    1) Its sorrel leaves flower( Gongura )
    2) Its called kasi kayalu in telugu. Dont know its name in english. When they become ripe they change to purle or black color and we used to eat them when ripened. And my grandma used to make dal with that plant leaves and stew or pulusu with those berries.

  6. Happy Navaratri to you, dear ISG :). Your guessing game really has me guessing ;). Are those berries green peppers?

    Thats some really fresh produce there, though. Am sure you are gonna' dish out something exciting.

    btw, the dosai sandwich look absoloutely yummy! i'll try those with thick rave dose :).

  7. Hi ISG,
    Navarathiri Wishes!!!

    1. Okra plat (Vendaikkai)
    2. Manathakkali. (Sukkitti Keerai Berries)

  8. It's a gongura flower !??? and the 'berries' -- tiny Thai green eggplants? supposed to be as small as peas :)

    Oh ISG, I have missed visiting you have so much to catch up on here! Talk soon :)

    PS I did NOT peek at any other comments -- that's on my honor! :):)

  9. Warm VijayDashmi greetings to you and Yours, ISG!

    I have no idea what the green berries are but they remind me of the sour taste for some reason. Maybe because I am thinking capers...


  10. Ah yes, adapting to way things are done in a new setting.

  11. Kribha, you got it right they are.

    Asha, indeed it was. The kids were thrilled to bits because it was just for them and the money helped a great deal for the happiness :)

    ANI, you are right again. I am pretty sure you would have gotten the second one right too :)

    Sig, what a magnanimous gesture :)
    Pepper pods they do look a little like those don't they?

    Kalva, right you are :)

    Musical! Happy Navarathri to you too friend. Eggplants are still flowering isn't that something ?
    Dosai Sandwich will work out with Rava dosai too, but maybe thinner but so what.

    MT, you are right.

    Linda, missed you too dear, you doing alright? you guessed right that is indeed Gongura flower pretty isn't ?

    Vee, are you enjoying the celebrations and did you get to make lot of sweets? They do look a lot like capers don't they? they are bitter when ripe they are purple and turn sweet.

    Cynthia that is true for festivals we adapt them to our adopted land :)

  12. You have a budding poet in the family, ISG! Her poems are wonderful!


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