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Books & More

1. In Defense of Food, An Eater's Manifesto By Michael Pollan
2. The Omnivores Dilemma By Michael Pollan
3. The Botany Of Desire By Michael Pollan
4. Animal, Vegetable Miracle A Year of Food Life By Barbara Kingslover
5. What to Eat By Marion Nestle
6. Food Matters By Mark Bittman
7. Fast Food Nation By Eric Schlosser
8. Real Food: What to eat and why By Nina Planck

1. Food Inc
2. King Corn
3. The Corporation
4. Fast Food Nation
5. Future of Food - documentary by Deborah Koons Garcia
6. Fresh by Sofia Joanes
7. Collapse by Chris Smith

1. Farmbrarian-Harvesting books about growing and eating real food
2. Cold Antler Farm